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Primary from its inception has always been an open source project, community backed, and community driven. I love seeing pull requests, feature requests, and screenshots or message of how users use Primary!

Here’s how you can contribute, no matter if you’re a non-developer, a dev, or just want to share stuff.


If you are not a developer, a great way to contribute to the theme is by reporting issues, enhancement ideas, or feature requests! You can do so through the Issues Page.

Don’t have a GitHub account? Consider sending a message through Twitter or send me a report directly via Email.

Another great way to contribute is by sharing screenshots of how you use Primary! You can share them on Twitter and tagging @primarytheme or me @ceciliamay_


Build Instructions

Let’s start by installing the essentials.

Primary is written with a mix of CSS and Sass. If you haven’t, do install Sass.

sudo gem install sass

After that, we need to install GruntJS. Grunt allows developers to run various tasks that would otherwise be tedious. In our case, we want our repo to follow Obisidan’s repository guidelines while making it easy for us to debug.

Prerequisites would be installing any NodeJS version.

npm install -g grunt-cli

Setting up your Theme Dev Environment

Within the repo’s path, run npm install to build all the necessary modules.

Then, go to the .env.example and define your local Obsidian vault path.

Update the OBSIDIAN_PATH to the local path of your Obsidian theme folder.

Once done, rename the file from .env.example to .env.

Code, Build and Test

Run the command below when you start writing code and testing.

npx grunt


// TODO: Write Licensing terms.